dream about mom dying

Dream that My Mom Died Meaning

A mother is the first person you form a relationship with when you are born. She will care for you, feed you and cater to any, if not all, your needs. Mothers symbolize love, support, and nurturing in a home. As a result, dreams of their death are bound to leave you in a state … Read More

dream about kissing someone

Dream About Kissing Someone Meaning

Kissing is a beautiful experience that allows us to express our care and love for family members, close friends, partners, and even our pets. The emotions we feel while kissing someone depend on the situation and the person we’re kissing. Even though kissing someone can leave us feeling bad or confused, most of the time … Read More

dream of earthquake

Dream of Earthquake Meaning and Symbolism

If you recently experienced a dream about an earthquake, you are probably interested in what the vision means. Right? Well, you have come to the right place. Earthquakes are powerful dream symbols. An earthquake dream can be as disconcerting as the disaster happening in your waking life. An earthquake usually leaves chaos, wounds, and sometimes … Read More

dreaming of a dead dog

Dreaming of A Dead Dog Meaning

Have you recently encountered a dead dog in your dream world? Loyal, kind, joyful, and enthusiastic, dogs are more than just a man’s best friend. They are wonderful companions who feel like family members because they offer unconditional love, never tire of your presence, and are always happy to see you. For this reason, a … Read More

crying dream meaning

Dreaming of You or Someone Crying Meaning

Dreams are hard to interpret because they are highly personal and often influenced by several factors, such as the dreamer’s experience, feelings, and thoughts. That said, crying in a dream could reflect the feelings and emotions you are experiencing in your life. The vision could also be your subconscious way of processing and releasing suppressed … Read More

giving birth dream meaning

What Does Giving Birth in A Dream Mean?

Dreaming about giving birth is often a fairly strange dream to have (especially if you’re not even pregnant!). It’s possible that having these dreams will make you feel rewarded and fulfilled at times, but other times they can be terrifying. Studies done in 2001 and 2014 found that pregnant women are more likely to dream … Read More

dream of black spider

Black Spider in Dream Meaning

Black spiders are some of the most common fears that people have. Statistics estimate that 3 to 15% of the population has Arachnophobia. The fear is real, and it’s not unusual to see black spiders in dreams. Have you ever woken up at night feeling scared and wondering what the spider symbolizes in your dream … Read More

dream about nose bleed

Dream About Nose Bleed: Meaning and Symbolism

Each of us experiences nosebleeds at least once in our lifetimes. There are plenty of reasons why nosebleeds can happen, such as minor injuries to your nose or changes in temperature or humidity. Nosebleeds often happen to people who practice contact sports such as kickbox, football, or basketball. Most of the time nosebleeds aren’t that … Read More

dream of ceiling leaking

Dream of Ceiling Leaking Meanings

A leaky ceiling can cause unmeasurable damage and problems in your home. But did you know that it can also have a positive meaning when you dream about it? Dreams about ceilings leaking can represent different things, like being overwhelmed, sad, or positive results in life. The dream’s meaning depends on who has the dream … Read More

dream of someone breaking into my house

Dream of Someone Breaking Into My House Meaning

Nightmares are unsettling experiences that can haunt us for years, frightening us with their tenacity and vividness. In the past, people used to believe that bad spirits would haunt and suffocate us while we slept, causing nightmares. Dreaming about someone breaking into your house, your safe haven, robbing you of your sense of security, safety, … Read More