dream of cat attacking me

Dream of Cat Attacking Me Meaning

Do you own a cat? Have you recently experienced a dream about a cat attacking you? Small, playful, and sometimes aggressive (when threatened), cats are one of the most loved members of the feline family. They are part of many households around the world and often form the strongest bond with their humans. As such, … Read More

falling elevator dream

Elevator Falling Dream Meaning and Symbolism

We’ve all heard terrifying stories about individuals becoming trapped in elevators. In the worst scenarios, elevators collapse everyone inside. Dreaming about being in an elevator or lift is fairly prevalent. As shown by the top 100 dreams we encounter. These dreams are linked to the feelings of worry and lack of control. Such dreams are … Read More

dream of eating glass

Dreams About Eating Glass Meaning & Symbolism

Being harmed in a dream by eating glass is not a pleasant dream to have. When you have these uncomfortable dreams, your subconscious mind is trying to send you a message, and you need to listen carefully. People dream of many different things, but dreams that involve eating glass are particularly surreal and weird. There … Read More

white rat in dream

Dreams About White Rats: What Does It Mean?

Rats generally are seen as a bad omen. After all, in many cultures, rats were the bringer of bad news and were associated with diseases and death. However, a white rat is usually not a negative symbol. It usually symbolizes positive things. For example, it may represent purity, innocence, victory, and perseverance. What Does a … Read More

dream of saving someone

Dream of Saving Someone Meaning: 11 Scenarios

Have you ever had a dream about saving someone, only to wake up in a fog of confusion? This can be a relief in real life, but it can be terrible if you fail to save that person. Dreams of saving another person from danger are common. Yet, they are interpreted differently depending on the … Read More

rabbit dream meaning

Dreaming of Rabbits: What Does it Mean?

Even though some individuals might disagree it is well known that our personal lives are represented in our dreams and that dreams have a lot to do with our psyche. They are your subconscious mind’s way to shape your reality. However, considering how much we adore them, we don’t anticipate seeing rabbits in our dreams. … Read More

dreams about chasing someone

Dream of Chasing Someone Meaning

Chasing someone is a frequent dream for many as it is a fear embedded in people’s minds since the beginning of humanity. Specifically, it has always been a natural survival instinct to chase or be chased. Mainly because our ancestors faced both natural hazards and wild predators. However, dreaming of chasing someone does not have … Read More

dream of dog chasing me

Dream About Dog Chasing Me Meaning

Dogs in many cultures across the world are a good omen. Similarly, today commonly, dogs are called man’s best friend. So, in theory, being chased by a dog in a dream may be a bad omen. Furthermore, undoubtedly being chased by a dog can be distressing. Therefore, dreaming about being chased by a dog may … Read More

dream of spider web

Spider Web Dream Meaning: 13 Scenarios

Spider webs are commonly seen as a disturbance. They bring forth feelings, such as irritation or even fear that a spider is lurking nearby. Perhaps that’s why in pop culture, they are associated with Halloween. After all, spiders themselves are seen as spooky and freaky. In fact, one of the most common fears is arachnophobia, … Read More

dream of moth

What is the Meaning of Dream About Moth?

Moths are a type of insect related to butterflies. Despite the close association, there are several distinguishing features separating them. Moths often have hairier bodies, tend to fly at night, and are attracted to artificial lights. On the other hand, butterflies generally shun them. Moths have long been associated with dreams and for a good … Read More