dream of tree falling

Dream About a Tree Falling Meaning: 7 Scenarios

Often, dreams are seen as a way of escapism. They are interpreted as a way of leaving the real world and traveling in our subconsciousness. Most of the time, they feel like a tangle of bizarre events. But in reality, they are trying to give us a conclusion or a message. A frequent dream many … Read More

dream of a house with many rooms

Dream of A House with Many Rooms Meaning

Dreaming of a house with many rooms can be confusing and bring forth an overwhelm of tangled emotions. The dream may start with you happily at home or another lovely house only to end up with you lost in an endless corridor with many rooms. This experience can be frightening as well as disturbing. However, … Read More

Dreaming of Cooking

What Does It Mean When You Dream of Cooking?

Cooking is one of the most basic human activities. It’s something that we all do and likely something that you love doing. But have you ever wondered what your cooking dreams mean? There are many interpretations to cooking dreams, depending on what’s happening in the dream, the type of food you cook, or if someone … Read More

dream of a white bird

White Bird in Dream Meaning and Symbolism

White birds have been revered for centuries as spiritual symbols in many religions and cultures. In many cases, they are associated with good luck and prosperity, but in others, they also carry a heavy spiritual meaning. White birds are generally seen as positive signs representing enlightenment, hope, purity, and faith. However, can they also represent … Read More

dreaming of being late

Dreaming of Being Late: What Does it Mean?

Being late is part of life; we all experienced this at least once in our lifetime. It could be seen as disrespectful, disorganized, or even rude. And in light of this, people often dream about being late for a party, a wedding, public transportation, and more. The most common interpretation is that this symbolizes a … Read More

dream in jail

What is the Meaning of Dream About Jail?

For some, a dream in which one is already in jail or in which one is being taken to jail can be quite unsettling. It can often lead people shaken to their core. But it does not actually mean that you will soon find yourself in an actual prison. Even if having a dream in … Read More

dream about roaches

What Does Dreaming of Cockroaches Mean?

Is it just me, or does the mere mention of the term “cockroach” cause the hair on the back of our necks to stand on end? This should not come as a surprise given that these insects are virtually synonymous with filth and grime! It’s not surprisingly odd to dream about cockroaches, but that doesn’t … Read More

dreams about waves

What Is the Meaning of Dream About Waves?

Dreams about waves are considered frightful, especially for someone who is water phobic, but such dreams carry an important message about your life that should not be ignored. The dream could have a positive meaning, or it could be a warning to alert you about an important life event that is coming up in the … Read More

Dreaming of a New Car

Dreaming of a New Car Meaning and Symbolism

Many people have dreams of owning a new car. Dreams can be about anything – a new house, a trip to an exotic location, or in this case, a brand-new vehicle. For some people, the dream of a new car may be just that, but for others, it may be something they are working towards. … Read More

dreaming of someone giving you money

Dream of Someone Giving You Money Meaning

Money symbolizes prosperity, affluence, success, and plenty, whether in reality or dreams. Money-related dreams almost seldom carry troubling connotations that you should be concerned about. However, some money dreams could be strange and leave us confused when we wake up. There’s another context you should look at. Receiving cash in your dream may also represent … Read More