dream about shoes meaning

Dream About Shoes Meaning and Interpretation

Having a good pair of shoes is extremely important. It helps in absorbing the impact when we walk. Study shows that shoes with great cushions help in improving your performance. It aids in the overall health of the wearer. By considering the function of the shoes, it will be easier for you to understand the … Read More

dreams about dog poop

Dreaming of Dog Poop Meaning and Interpretation

Dog poop in our dream could be one of the disturbing and disgusting scenarios that you will come across in your dream. Seeing this would not be very pleasant, whether in the dreamland or waking life. Nonetheless, dreaming of dog poop may have different meanings. Usually, this is a sign that your life will go … Read More

dream counting money

Dream of Counting Money Meaning and Interpretation

As we frequently remark, dreams are an extension of real situations that our minds create while we are awake and translate into symbols and images that are frequently highly distinctive and unlikely to occur to us in the real world. Money in a dream has several interpretations, all of which have a deep meaning and … Read More

dog bite dream

Dog Bite Dream Meaning and Interpretation

Animals in dreams can give us valuable information about our unconscious dynamics. Dogs carry a universal symbolism, as they are considered the human’s best friend. They are one of the first domesticated species and fail to disappoint us even today. Dogs are symbolic of loyalty, selflessness, and dedication. They are intelligent and can suppress their … Read More

dreams about fighting

What Does Fighting in A Dream Mean?

Our dreams, even though they are often bizarre, can tell us a great deal about who we are. According to Psychology Today, some researchers have claimed that the content of our dreams is “simply noise,” but the content of our dreams can be psychoanalyzed, and it can be connected to our unconscious. If you consider … Read More

dream about getting stabbed

Dream About Getting Stabbed Meaning: 27 Scenarios

Many believe that having a dream in which they are stabbed foreshadows their eventual death. So does this mean that you’re going to die soon? Although being stabbed in a dream or stabbing another person in a dream, are both bad omens, this does not mean that the end is near. However, some dream experts … Read More

color in dreams meaning

What Does It Mean When You Dream in Color?

There are many pieces of research on the effects of color on our psychophysiology. Colors influence our perceptions not only in the waking world but in our night visions as well. Whenever a nuance appears inside a dream, it holds valuable information for the dreamer’s inner world. Colors in dreams are generally associated with our … Read More

Frog Dream Meaning

Frog Dream Meaning: 20 Different Scenarios

Do you often dream of representatives of the animal kingdom? Pay attention, as these visions carry valuable information about your inner and outer life. Animals in dreams represent our instinctual nature. Different species are characteristic of the qualities we possess and come to recognize as our own. Animals are symbolic of a variety of collective … Read More

dreams of teeth falling out

Dream About Teeth Falling Out Meaning

Did you know nearly 39% of the world’s population dream about their teeth rotting, breaking, or falling out? In fact, 16.2% of sleepers report having recurrent dreams of teeth, while 8.2% experience these dreams every day. Based on these figures, it’s no surprise to have a dream about your teeth falling out. But what do … Read More

dreams of someone trying to kill you

Dream of Someone Trying to Kill Me Meaning

There is nothing more unsettling and terrifying than dreaming about death, even more so when it’s your own. Dreaming of someone attempting to murder you is bound to leave an awful taste in your mouth, especially if it’s someone you know. Having such a dream doesn’t mean that someone wants you dead. Instead, it could … Read More