stress dreams

What Are Stress Dreams? Why & How to Stop

Have you ever woken up at 3 a.m., panicking and feeling anxious because someone was chasing you or you were tumbling through space? Chances are, you have experienced a stress dream. Also known as anxiety dreams, stress dreams are a common phenomenon that almost everyone experiences at one point in their lives. These dreams tend … Read More

pink in dreams

What Does the Color Pink Mean in Dreams?

The color pink is one of the pretties colors, for sure! It’s the color you see when someone makes your cheeks blush. The color pink is a universal symbol of love, sweetness, and innocence, and is often associated with glamour. From princesses to cotton candy, pink has been a favorite color for boys and girls … Read More

dream of god

Seeing God in Dream Meaning & Symbolism

Every religion and system of beliefs has its own unique understanding of who God is. One thing that all religions have in common, however, is the belief in the existence of a god or other all-powerful being that is responsible for directing and regulating the workings of this enormous cosmos. Dreams that involve God are … Read More

dream about stealing

Dream About Stealing: What Does It Mean?

Did you know our dreams usually create acceptable themes and symbolic perceptions for us to see or sense? Stealing is one such theme. Whether you are the perpetrator or victim, dreams about stealing are common. They often relate to the emotional energy inside caused by different events, situations, or experiences. In this guide, we will … Read More

dream about stairs

Dream About Stairs Meaning and Symbolism

In today’s article, we will be taking a long at the most underrated heroes of our everyday lives – stairs. From old and worn-out stairs leading to an attic to beautiful curved stairs, stairs can be found everywhere and they have an important role in our lives. However, did you know that stairs are also … Read More

dream about magic

Dream About Magic Meaning and Interpretation

Ladies and gentlemen, gather around! Get ready to have your mind blown. Today, we will go on a journey into the exciting world of magic, where people vanish into thin air, rabbits get pulled out of hats, and everything is possible. Magic has always been fascinating for humans because it defies the laws of physics … Read More

gorilla in dream meaning

Gorilla in Dream Meaning and Interpretation

Dreams can be a mysterious thing to understand. According to some psychologists, they are our windows to the inner workings of our minds. An Austrian psychologist by the name of Sigmund Freud even goes on to call them the “royal road to the unconscious”. Gorilla dreams are no exception! These intelligent and human-like animals closely … Read More

dream meaning of water

Dreaming About Water Meaning & Interpretation

Our dreams embody several symbols that can provide insights into our feelings, thought processes, and life experiences. According to psychologists, they reflect our subconscious, and symbols within them can have significant meanings. One such symbol is water. Without a doubt! Water is vital for our survival. It not only quenches our thirst, but helps us … Read More

dreams about people from your past

Dreaming of People from Your Past Meaning

Thinking about the people from our past can be nostalgic and fun. Whether it’s a teacher who always made the best jokes or a neighbor we always got in a fight with, these kinds of memories don’t fail to make us smile. People from our past are an integral part of our lives and they … Read More

dreaming of breathing underwater

Dreams About Breathing Underwater Meaning

The concept of breathing underwater has captured human interest throughout the years. From ancient myths about sea monsters and mermaids to present-day books and movies, the idea of breathing underwater has always been interesting to us. Just imagine being able to admire the beauty of coral reefs, swim along with fishes, and explore the deepest … Read More