Dream About Your Crush: What Does It Mean?

Crushing on someone in real life is like riding on a rollercoaster. One minute it’s exciting, like you are soaring high on cloud nine. And the next, you are nose-diving into depths of self-doubt and insecurities. So, what about in the dream world?

Well, here’s where things get interesting: An encounter with your crush in the dream realm signifies unresolved feelings, unfulfilled longing, hidden desires, and so on. These visions, like many others, can let you enter your subconscious and unravel its secrets.

What Does It Mean When You Dream About Your Crush


Long before the word “crush” referred to a strong desire to be with somebody you find attractive, it had a different meaning. In the 14th century, people used it to refer to the noise of violent persecution.

Later on, in the 19th century, the term softened to represent infatuation or poppy love. This shift in its meaning reflects the overwhelming nature of romantic feelings, usually linked to a crushing weight. These potent feelings can leak into your subconscious, and manifest into dream featuring the object of your affection (your crush).

In such cases, Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, believed these visions reflect our unconscious desires. His fellow Swiss psychologist, Carl Jung, further supported Freud’s belief. According to Jung, a dream about a crush represents a subconscious need for connection and intimacy.

In addition, people who often develop high romantic interest in their crushes are more likely to dream about them. Often, these visions reflect a dreamer’s level of attraction towards that individual.

But dreams are not always these straightforward. This means a dream about a crush at work might not be about him (or her). It could be your subconscious working on your fears and hopes about the individual. The dream might also suggest your crush has characteristics you’d like to emulate.

What Does It Mean When You Dream of Your Crush More Than Once

Frankly, if someone constantly appears in your dream, this individual might be significant to you. We can’t say if the significance is positive or negative, but your mind remembers them even when you are deep asleep.

If your crush appears repeatedly in your dream over a short period, you might have found yourself in an emotionally charged situation in waking life. Maybe you’re dealing with intense emotions, which you’re projecting into your dream world. These intense emotions can stem from several factors. Case in point, a recent interaction with a co-worker or neighbor you have a crush on.

The heightened emotional state can also result from major life events, like a marriage or divorce. So, think of the recent experiences and changes in your life. You never know! They might help you understand the message behind your recurring dreams.

Aside from intense emotions, recurring dreams about a crush could point to:

Unresolved Feelings

Crushing for someone is more than just feeling butterflies in your stomach. If you have had a crush before, you would agree with us. Do you remember acting differently? Smiling is normal, but some people even turn red, sweat, and even shake.

All these signs mean you’ve developed special feelings for this individual even if it’s the first time meeting. However, not everyone can open up to their crush about their feelings. But the more you suppress them, the more they seep into your visions.

If you’re brave enough and won’t stumble with your words, you can talk to your crush. Open up about your feelings and desire for an emotional connection or a romantic relationship.

Unconscious Fear

That aside- dreaming about a crush can signify unconscious fear. First off, the vision reflects fear of intimacy and commitment. In particular, a dream where the crush seems emotionally distant implies the dreamer fears getting too close to someone.

If you dream about your crush leaving, it could mean you fear change. Your life currently feels perfect, so you don’t see the need to change what’s already working. However, this dream suggests a new and exciting opportunity is coming your way. Sadly, if you don’t overcome your fear, you might not benefit from it.

Recognition and Appreciation

On a positive outlook, we believe recurring crush dreams show recognition and appreciation. If you dream of a crush hugging or congratulating you, you feel acknowledged. Here, your romantic interests represent people who recognize your efforts or achievements. Thus, the crush might be your boss, parent, siblings, friends, etc.

If you feel happy seeing your crush, your mind is prompting you to appreciate this recognition. You might not have won a Nobel prize, but you can use this win as motivation to grow. This dream also reminds you to show gratitude to friends, family, and strangers who help you on your path.

Common Examples

Now let’s focus on the most interesting part of our dream guide: Various crush dream interpretations. As you will see below, the brain usually conjures dream scenarios that vary between dreamers.

1. Dream About My Crush Liking Me Back

One straightforward interpretation of this vision is that you desire your crush to reciprocate your feelings. It’s your mind’s way of exploring and expressing the emotions or feelings you fear showing. But you’ve suppressed your emotions for so long they’ve reached the boiling point. We all know that’s not healthy, so tell your crush how you feel.

Interestingly, this dream also hints at boosted self-esteem. A crush showing interest in you implies you’ve re-discovered your self-confidence and self-worth. This dream confirms your growth and development in various aspects of life.

2. Having a Sex Dream with Your Crush

No! You will not have sex with your crush in real life. Well, unless you’re planning to act on those feelings. But as for the dream, it mirrors your longings. If you’re single, it reflects your strong desire for intimacy and connection. This probably stems from an encounter with an individual you like.

To couples, this dream might seem like a bad omen. Contrary, it’s eye-opening. It highlights feelings of unhappiness and emptiness in real life. Perhaps your partner no longer gives you the desired attention or seems emotionally distant. This dream encourages you to talk to your significant other and figure out a working solution.

The person who initiates the sex in the dream also matters. If it’s you, it highlights a desire to be close to someone. And if your crush initiated the experience, it shows you want to be pursued romantically and loved.

3. Dream About Your Crush with Someone Else

A dream like this points to feelings of loss or fear of losing something valuable. Your crush, here, represents what you cherish the most. Perhaps it’s love, companionship, or security. Therefore, the dream implies you’re grappling with the fear of losing this important aspect of your life.

Still on matters of feelings, the boy or girl with your crush reflects your insecurities. Chances are, you unconsciously believe you’re not good enough. This can lead to self-doubt and sometimes jealousy.

4. Dream About Holding Hand with Your Crush

If you hold your crush’s hand in waking life, your heart will probably skip a beat. It’s mostly because of the adrenaline rush and intense emotions. But if the same crush holds your hand in the dream world, it means something else.

It signifies a dreamer’s need for support and reassurance. Maybe you’re seeking comfort from your crush. But your crush here could mean a friend, partner, or family member. This vision reminds us to reach out to those around us for emotional support.

5. Dream of Kissing Your Crush

On the surface, a dream of kissing your crush could be your brain processing recent encounters, interactions, and thoughts related to your crush. But at the core, this vision refers to themes of love and relationship.

To kiss your crush in a dream means your collective unconscious is trying to tell you something about your emotions and desires. Perhaps you have unfulfilled needs or fantasies you want to satisfy, like finding a partner.

The dream might also be talking about your hopes and fears related to either your relationship or self-esteem.

6. Dreaming About Having Baby with Your Crush

If your dream of having a baby with your crush excites you, it indicates a need for intimacy and connection. This often stems from being attracted to your crush or a desire to start a future with them.

On the other hand, the baby in the dream represents a new phase or chapter in your life. You may have reached a stage where you need a fresh start. The cute child also shows your renewed hope and optimism in life.

7. Dream About Your Crush Asking You Out

In the dream realm, a dream where a crush asks you out is good. It’s an exciting and affirming experience and reflects desires and hopes. It shows you’re ready to trust someone, even if you don’t have romantic feelings for them.

However, our dreams do not always reflect the reality of life. Even though this dream can help you understand your feelings, your crush might not be feeling the same way about you. Disappointing as it might sound, there’s still more to this dream.

Spiritually, your crush in the dream symbolizes an ideal partner you want in life. Probably your brain has built this persona based on real-life experiences, personal desires, or societal expectations. The vision shows a longing for this ideal love, as well as your relationship goals.

8. Dream About Your Crush Ignoring You

The dream is not about your latest crush ignoring you, but rather a window into your insecurities and self-doubt. It’s as a sign to improve your self-esteem and confidence. So, it’s time to become kind to yourself and challenge negative thoughts.

On a similar note, this dream hints at fear or rejection. Perhaps you have been rejected or ignored in the past – more specifically, in a relationship. So, this vision implies you don’t wish to feel that vulnerable and helpless again.

9. Dream About Your Crush Marrying Someone Else

First, your crush marrying someone else shows letting go. You’ve eventually overcome the deep feelings you had for your crush or person you once held close to your heart. The dream is also a sign of self-acceptance and a spiritual journey.

In addition, the dream talks about your feelings of loneliness, isolation, or hopelessness. If you’re in a relationship, it suggests you feel disconnected from your partner. Or maybe you fear your significant other might leave you for another.

10. Dreaming About Old Crush

A dream about a past crush relates more to your previous experiences. Possibly, you bumped into someone in the grocery or coffee shop who resembles your ex-crush. Another explanation: You date or are interested in someone who reminds you of your old crush.

If you dream of a childhood crush, our focus shifts to feelings of nostalgia. It could be you feel overwhelmed or tired with your current life. And you long for the past where things felt simpler and more innocent. Or you wish to reconnect with those feelings of your youth and carefree love.

11. Taking To My Crush in My Dream

You had a pleasant conversation with your crush only to wake up in your bed?

This dream shows you unconsciously want to get to know someone better in real life. Apart from your crush, the dream could be talking about a new friend or romantic interest.

It also signifies exploring one’s feelings or emotional state. The engaging conversation in the dream could be your mind processing your emotions related to love, intimacy, and connection. It’s trying to help you figure out what you want from a potential relationship.

Related Dreams:

Does My Crush Dream About Me?

It’s nice to think that your crush dreams of you. However, there’s no definitive way to know if you pop up in your crush’s dream world, too. Unless – and that’s a big unless – you frequently communicate. Or, your crush shares interest in topics or activities that matter to you. These behaviors show he (or she) has some feelings for you.

Besides, if you want to know if your crush has been thinking of you in waking life, just look at their body language and behaviors around you.

That said, dreams about a crush are certainly eye-opening. Some can shed some light on your love life and relationships. Meanwhile, others can reflect your emotional state, feelings, desires, and hopes. So, let these interpretations guide you to find the message behind your dream. Best of luck!

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