Dream of Mango Meaning and Interpretations

If you don’t make the unconscious conscious, then it will determine your life and you will call it fate.” – Carl Jung

These deep words coming from renowned psychoanalyst Carl Jung call us again to explore the hidden mysteries of our psyche. Only this time, through a dream about mangoes.

Mango dreams are usually positive and represent themes that resonate with life experiences, emotions, thoughts, and beliefs. Case in point – a dream of gifting your partner a ripe mango – shows your desire to nurture and enhance the relationship.

These dreams also point to happiness, wealth, and good health, but more on that in the next section of the dream guide. Let’s dive in!

Mango Dreams Symbolism


Here’s an interesting fact – the sweet, juicy, and fleshy mango is the national fruit of India and Pakistan. Hindus recognize it as the “King of Fruits”, and even its tree is the national tree of Bangladesh.

Hindus offer these fruits to their gods as an act of devotion and worship. But its symbolism also extends to love and romance, as it’s often exchanged as a token of affection between loved ones. Besides this, we’ve highlighted a few potential symbolism of mango dreams below:


Adulthood sucks sometimes – it’s easy to lose touch with the simple joys that once filled our lives. However, there’s a memory most of us can relate to: the joy of eating a ripe mango during summer.

The soft, golden flesh and burst of sweetness it leaves on your tongue can transport you back to happy moments in your childhood or adulthood.

Dreams about mangoes represent these sweet memories and happy moments in your life. They remind you to honor and reconnect with your past to rejuvenate your soul. Mango dreams also encourage us to slow down, savor the moment, and reconnect with the carefree spirit of our younger selves.

Wealth and Prosperity

Many people usually associate ripe mangoes with wealth and prosperity. And when you encounter these fruits in your dream, it means you will overcome the various obstacles in your path, be it limiting beliefs or societal expectations. The dream talks of a new period of your life, filled with positive developments and growth.

Some cultures believe a dream of a mango tree laden with fruits symbolizes abundance. It shows a dreamer’s aspiration for wealth and a prosperous life. At the same time, it suggests that the dreamer is on the path to achieving financial freedom or independence.

Love and Fertility

As mentioned, mangoes in several cultures relate to love, fertility, and sexuality. Its voluptuous shape and texture represent the female body. Whereas, its sweet taste and juicy texture can represent the pleasure of coitus.

As such, mangoes point to romantic desire and potential for giving birth. As a fact, Hindus artfully bind mango leaves during weddings to form “Torans.” These beautiful decorative garlands symbolize blessings of love, happiness, and prosperity for the newlyweds.

Some people might also give the new couple mangoes to bless their union or encourage them to have babies.

Common Mango Dreams Scenarios

Now, let’s explore the various mango dreams our minds can manifest and their potential interpretations.

1. Yellow Mango in Dream Meaning

The hue of the mango fruit is synonymous with optimism, joy, happiness, and friendship. It often evokes cheerful feelings, but on the negative side, it can signify jealousy, danger, or illness.

A dream about a yellow mango is positive, reflecting feelings of passion, romantic desires, and sexuality. The presence of this fruit in dreams suggests a dreamer should explore his (or her) desires. It’s also a sign to foster deeper bonds with your significant other, family, and friends.

Spiritually, we believe a yellow mango relates to the Solar Plexus chakra or “Manipura”. Manipura Chakra allows us to access our inner wisdom so we can make rational decisions. Also, when opened, this Chakra can empower you and help you find your inner strength.

2. Dream of Eating Mango

Eating a sweet, fleshy mango fruit in a dream show you feel happy about something. Perhaps you’ve reconnected with an old friend, secured a new job, or finally got the chance to rest. This dream reflects your cheerful mood and optimistic view of life.

Seeing yourself savoring the sweetness of the fruits also means you feel accomplished. It shows that your hard work and dedication have eventually paid off. Now, you’re basking in the rewards of your efforts.

Moreover, this dream talks about sexual desires. If you cook the mango before eating it, the vision reflects your hidden sexual needs or subconscious lust for someone.

3. Seeing Ripe Mango in Dream Meaning

Most people, especially in India usually anticipate the beginning of mango season with enthusiasm. They actually celebrate this season by holding vibrant festivals. So, it’s no surprise that these individuals associate ripe mangoes with change and new beginnings.

A dream of seeing a ripe mango means you will come across exciting opportunities soon. But first, shift your attitude about change, as it’s inevitable. Instead of change being an obstacle in life, think of it as a chance for emotional and spiritual growth.

4. Dream of Mango Falling from Tree

Seeing a mango falling from a tree suggests you’ve experienced some major shift in your life. Maybe something or someone you relied on is no longer stable or available. Thus, this vision prompts you to learn to adapt and navigate new situations.

The mango detaching from the tree signals it’s time to let go of attachments, traumas, or situations that make you miserable in life. As we said, embrace change and allow things to unfold according to the universe’s plan.

5. Receiving Mangoes in Dream Meaning

If you dream of receiving mangoes during a wedding, it reflects love, fertility, and happiness. The person who hands you the fruit wishes you all the best in your union.

Remember, mangoes in dreams also symbolize wealth and prosperity. A dream about receiving them could, therefore, imply you’re about to enter a period of financial growth and success. These blessings could manifest as securing a new job, moving to a bigger house, or advancing in your career.

Beyond wealth, the dream urges you to strengthen existing bounds and form new ones with people you share friends or family members with.

6. Green Mango Dreams Meaning

Just like a ripe mango, an unripe mango in a dream also indicates new beginnings or possibilities. It suggests that every project you start will turn out successful. Of course, there are some challenges you might face along the way, but despite that, you will emerge the winner.

New beginnings aside, the dream reflects the effort you put into your work and other aspects of life. You’re constantly working to improve yourself and make positive changes in the world. Green mangoes in dreams also remind us to be patient as we seek success.

7. Spoiled Mango Dream

Spoiled mango dreams show that you’re emotionally distressed. The vision hints at feelings of sadness, anger, or bitterness stemming from an issue in your relationship, home, or workplace. So, confront these emotions and seek emotional healing to prevent them from causing further difficulties.

Aside from that, this dream points to disappointment and missed opportunities. Think about it: Is there something you were anticipating but have not turned out as expected? Maybe you were hoping for a promotion or raise, but you were passed over.

If so, sorry. However, setbacks are natural, and you will probably deal with a lot ahead. We recommend you focus on what you can do to forge ahead, rather than what could have been.

More Fruit Dreams:


Mango dreams, as seen above, can be seen as emblems of happiness, love, fertility, spiritual growth, and changing times. These nocturnal visions remind us to cherish the happy times we enjoy with our loved ones and friends. And also, to become involved with the community at large.

Beyond happiness, these dreams encourage us to let go of old resentments or beliefs that no longer serve us. It also teaches us not to let challenges or negative emotions dictate the trajectory of our lives.

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