Dream of Guns Meaning & Symbolism

Of all the weapons man has unleashed upon the world in his quest for power, dominance, and growth, none comes close to the “mighty gun”.

A gun offers protection, granting its owner freedom and independence. But when handled carelessly, it’s quite dangerous – causing harm and negative consequences.

In dreams, a gun is a multifaceted symbol with various meanings. For instance, a dream about guns can signify a dreamer’s need for protection against a hidden threat or danger. Whereas, a dream of shooting might reflect solving problems within one’s circle.

Do not limit yourself to these two interpretations only. Below, we’ve explored more examples of gun dreams and their interpretations, but first, let’s focus on gun dream symbolism:

What Does a Gun Symbolize in A Dream


You’ve seen them in movies, video games, music, and literature. Often, they are in the hands of heroes, antiheroes, or villains – showing their ability to influence and control others.

This depiction further reinforces the notion that owning a gun equals having the ability to protect oneself, which to us sounds more like having power.

A dream about guns is synonymous with the manifestation of inner strength and power. It shows the dreamer feels empowered and in control of their environment, even during chaotic times. If the dream involves owning a gun, it shows one’s desire to maintain safety and authority.

Besides power and control, a gun in a dream symbolizes:

Fear and Violence

As mentioned, many people recognize firearms as tools that can cause significant harm, often leaving individuals and communities devastated. The increasing cases of gun violence, specifically in the US, underscores this reality.

Dreams about guns mirror our fear and anxieties about these weapons and the violence they bring. This holds, in particular, for victims of gun violence or trauma related to firearms. That aside – this vision could reflect your concern about the safety and security of your loved ones.

Sexuality and Sexual Energy

Sigmund Freud believed a gun in a dream points to aspects of sexuality and sexual energy. According to him, the gun represents the male genitalia. Maybe it’s because of the shape of the weapon or the power dynamics most of us associate firearms with.

No matter, you might dream of guns when you have unfulfilled sexual needs. Perhaps your romantic partner fails to understand or meet your sexual desires. This can harm the relationship. The dissatisfaction of unmet sexual needs can go beyond the bedroom and leak into other aspects of a relationship.

Spiritual Meaning of Gun in A Dream

It might be hard to believe, but much like any weapon, a gun has gained several spiritual meanings over the years. When it appears in your dream, it’s not by accident; it’s a sign.

You seek peace and protection. Perhaps you sense some threat or danger on the horizon and desire to protect yourself and your family. Or maybe you wish to guard yourself from toxic friends, harmful habits, or even spiritual attacks.

Spiritually, dreams of shooting using machine guns signify struggling against internal and external conflicts. To the dreamer, everything might seem crazy.

Work projects, home responsibilities, family conflicts, and financial issues can make life crazy. But this dream about a rapid-firing machine urges us to confront our struggles as soon as they manifest. It also encourages self-reflection and prompts us to identify and deal with the underlying cause of our stressors.

The bible also has a few words to say about a dream of guns. From a biblical viewpoint, this dream signifies spiritual warfare. Your faith is being tested, so it’s time you seek divine guidance and strength to face temptations and other life demons.

7 Examples of Gun Dreams

Aside from the symbolic meanings above, we can learn more about gun dreams by exploring various ways they manifest in our dream world. Here are seven common gun dream experiences and their potential interpretations:

Dream of Shooting a Gun

Watching a popular TV show like The Walking Dead is enough to convince you a gun is an essential tool for survival. In the show, popular characters rely heavily on firearms to fend off threats and preserve their independence.

A dream of shooting a gun highlights this relationship between guns and freedom. On a deeper look, it reflects one’s desire to regain freedom and independence. However, this is only possible for people willing to release their pent aggression and frustration.

At the same time, the dream suggests a dreamer is confronting his or her unresolved anger, be it towards a person or situation. From a spiritual angle, a dream of shooting prompts one to deal with inner conflict and seek guidance from the Divine or Universe.

Dream About Guns and Bullets

Dream experts associate guns and bullets with external and internal conflicts, respectively. If you are facing a financial problem or work-related issue (external conflict), it can trigger anxiety or self-doubt (internal conflict). This dream is a call sign to acknowledge and work through these struggles.

If the guns are loaded with bullets, the dream shows your readiness to let go of your binding strings. Strings here represent your aggressive nature, negative thoughts, or destructive ideas. The dream also talks about letting go of old patterns or beliefs holding you back.

Dream of Being Shot

A dream of getting shot by a stranger suggests you ignore or suppress an aspect of yourself.  It’s a call for introspection to uncover the values, passions, and desires with yourself you don’t fully understand. Do this, and you will discover your true self and gain clarity about life.

A dream of being shot – but this time – by a familiar individual means you feel betrayed or misunderstood in your relationship or workplace.

If you die from the gun wound, the dream suggests you’re ready to confront the individual, no matter the consequences. It shows you know what you need in life, and are prepared to get rid of toxic people. 

Holding A Gun Dream Meaning

Life is not a clear, direct path, rather it’s like a complex maze with ever-changing routes. Sometimes, the detours, sudden turns, and challenges can make us lose control of our lives.

A dream of holding a gun shows you trying to get back control. The gun stands for your inner power and strength. You holding the gun implies you feel empowered. It also indicates it’s time to take charge of situations that often leave you overwhelmed or powerless.

If holding the gun makes you feel anxious or threatened, it shows fear of impotence or shortfalls in your sexual life. The vision implies your fear of not having the ability to assert yourself sexually or fulfill your partner’s sexual desires.

Girls and women who dream of holding a gun probably desire to release some pent-up, aggressive sexual energy. Here, the best cause of action is to identify entertaining, but safe ways to enjoy sex. It also helps to open up to a romantic partner.

Dream About Seeing Someone with A Gun

In the case someone else holds a gun in your dream, it means you feel threatened or intimidated. Maybe you’ve done something wrong and feel guilty. Even if what you’ve done is not serious, the guilt is eating you up and you feel like someone is coming for you.

This dream could also imply that you feel targeted by someone else words or actions. However, you fear facing this individual because of his power, authority, or aggressiveness. Or perhaps you feel vulnerable and helpless in a particular situation that you once had control of.

Dream of Gun Being Pointed at You

If someone points a gun at you, you will likely feel paralyzed. The fear of being shot can trigger intense confusion, even if it doesn’t lead to death. 

Similarly, a dream of a gun being pointed at you can be unsettling. It often shows an individual’s feelings of vulnerability or fear in life. So, such a dream could imply that you feel powerless against someone or a situation.

However, if you didn’t feel scared in the dream, it means you have realized panicking wouldn’t help. The best bet for not getting defeated by your problems is to face them head-on. 

Fear during the experience suggests you somehow feel trapped. You can no longer express your opinions freely or be true to yourself, maybe because of societal limitations.

Dream of Being Held at Gunpoint

A dream of being held at gunpoint shows you’re about to make a decision you can’t come back from. Probably, you feel pressured into a situation that offers you a few solutions to choose from. But even so, ensure your choice does not harm your personal or professional life.

When your dream involves being robbed at gunpoint, it means you will encounter some financial challenges. The vision prompts you to evaluate your financial situation. If you are about to enter into a financial agreement or deal with a co-worker, friend, or family member, please be careful.

Related Dreams:

Take Away

A dream about getting shot or held at gunpoint at first might seem like a never-ending nightmare. However, if you take time to study and understand this dream, it can leave you surprised.

Gun dreams speak volumes about the desire for protection and security for the dreamer and loved ones. And a small shift of the dream’s context, like shooting a something or someone, shows one’s desire for freedom and independence.

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